NOTICE TO COMPETITORS – Updated December 1, 2021
Hobie and the International Hobie Fishing Worlds Team are pleased to announce provisional dates for Fishing Worlds 9: August 9th – 14th 2022.

Event Details
August 8 Anglers Arrive
August 9 Welcome Function
August 10 Pre-fish Day 1 (split arena)
August 11 Pre-Fish Day 2 (split arena)
August 12 HFW 9 Comp Day 1
August 13 HFW 9 Comp Day 2
August 14 HFW 9 Comp Day 3 Awards Presentations & Crowning of the 2022 Hobie Fishing World Champion

Åmål, Västra Götaland County, Sweden
HFW9 Review Date
There is no higher priority than the health and safety of our competitors, partners, and staff. This is first and foremost in our decision-making process. As Covid-19 conditions evolve, we are closely monitoring world health organizations as well as national and regional guidelines to ensure everyone can safely travel, attend, and compete in this prestigious Hobie World Fishing Championships. The next update will be in January 2022.
Travel Plans
We would like to see how the Omicron variant plays out over Christmas and New Years before releasing travel guidelines and transport services the event will offer. Hobie USA, Hobie Kayak Europe and the IHFWA will not accept any liability for financial loss due to changes to the location, venue, dates and/or times.
Before we send out official invites and open event entry, please confirm that you wish to attend or decline the event. We ask that you reply via email to stevefields@hobie.com no later than 23rd December of your intentions.

Thank You!
Scheduling this world championship event has been challenging with SARS-CoV-2 and international travel restrictions. We cannot thank you enough for your understanding and support. We are also aiming to play catch up on HFW10 & 11 with details to follow as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, you can reach me at stevefields@hobie.com and cell: +1 352 214 0698
Kind regards,
Steve Fields
International Strategic Development Distribution and Event Management
Hobie Cat Company